Thanks to Mark Bain, CEO of First United Bank, for speaking with students in our Adulting 101 courses about the many services banks provide! Students learned how to use smartphones to assist in personal banking and how ITMs serve customers and will be an integral part of future banking. Mr. Bain then offered a Q&A session allowing students to ask important questions about personal banking and the banking industry!

Congratulations to the following Lady Pirates who signed letters of intent today to play at the collegiate level:
Malloree Smith- San Angelo State (Softball)
Adlee Blacklock- Oregon State (Basketball)
D'Leah Hill- Amarillo College (Volleyball)
Carli Colbert- Amarillo College (Volleyball)

The Pirate Varsity Football team will face Fort Worth Southwest in the Bi-District round of playoffs at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 11 at Pirate Stadium at First United Park! Purchase tickets at https://www.etix.com/ticket/p/5149802/lubbockcooper-vsfort-worth-southwest-lubbock-pirate-stadium-at-first-united-park or watch live at https://www.youtube.com/c/LCISDAthletics!

It's GAME DAY for the Lady Pirate Volleyball team as they take on Amarillo HS in the Regional Quarterfinals at 7:00 p.m. TONIGHT at Dimmitt HS! Watch live at https://www.youtube.com/c/LCISDAthletics or purchase tickets at https://secure.payk12.com/school/Dimmitt-High-School---General/803/3023/14365/item/210816! Good luck, Lady Pirates!

Congratulations to LBMS teacher Jessica Henson, October 2021 Mrs. Baird's Teachers on the Rise Award recipient! We appreciate Jessica's dedication to making sure her students feel loved and successful, and we are so proud of her!

Elementary UIL results will be available at https://bit.ly/3m7kZks! Good luck to our competitors!

Middle School UIL results will be available at https://url.lcisd.net/326! Good luck to our competitors!

The deadline to order Pirate Football Playoff shirts is 12:00PM TODAY! Be sure to get yours before it's too late! https://lcpfootball.bigcartel.com/products

Congratulations to Cathy Wright, recipient of the November Happy Pirate Award, sponsored by Happy State Bank! Cathy is cheerful, kind, and helpful to everyone she encounters, and we are so proud she's part of the Pirate family!

The Lady Pirate Volleyball team will face Ysleta in the Area Round of playoffs on Friday, November 5 at 5:00 p.m. in Pecos. Good luck, Lady Pirates!

The LBMS Choir gave a great performance at their Fall Concert!

Seafood Managers with United Supermarkets demonstrated seafood fabrication to LCHS Advanced Culinary Arts students! Student chefs learned preparation steps for salmon burgers!

Monday, November 8 is a student holiday for all LCISD campuses.
Middle school and elementary students participating in the UIL meet that day will be notified of competition times by their event coaches.

The Lady Pirate Varsity Volleyball team will face Plainview in the Bi-District round of playoffs at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, November 2 in Littlefield. Good luck, Lady Pirates!

LCMS Pirates pulled out all the stops for their Campus Costume Competition, which raised money for the school's Pirate Pantry and holiday food boxes!

Congratulations to the winners of South Elementary's Pumpkin Decorating Contest!

Happy Halloween from the East Elementary staff!

West Elementary staff are in the Halloween spirit!

A little dirt never hurt! South Elementary third grade scientists have been learning about soil and its properties!

Help us send the Pirate Pride Band to state in style!