Special Education Overview
All students with disabilities living within the LCISD shall be identified and evaluated in regard to their needs for special education services. Lubbock-Cooper ISD Special Education Department makes available to all students with disabilities (ages 3-those who have not yet reached their twenty-second birthday as of September 1 of the current year) a free and appropriate public education, which includes special education and related services to meet the unique needs of each student. A free and appropriate public education shall be available to students with visual or auditory disabilities from birth through age twenty-one. The Federal regulations and State Board of Education rules assure that this education to students with disabilities will be provided in the least restrictive environment through the Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) process.
Tracy Vincent
Director of Special Education
Lubbock-Cooper Independent School District is committed to providing students identified with dyslexia appropriate research-based instruction and academic support to prepare them to be successful lifetime readers and writers.
Lubbock-Cooper ISD has a district-wide plan that follows guidelines and procedures in The Dyslexia Handbook Procedures Concerning Dyslexia and Related Disorders in the identification of, instruction for, and accommodations for students with dyslexia.
Helpful Resources and Requirements
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact Information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: inquire@spedtex.org
Live Chat: www.spedtex.org