For more information about ESL or dual language programs, contact:
Edna Parr
Multilingual Education
Lubbock-Cooper offers English as a Second Language (ESL) or Bilingual (Two-Way Dual-Language) services to students who speak languages other than English and have limited linguistic proficiency in English. LCISD’s multilingual instruction programs provide intensive instruction that develops skills and proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in all content areas. These programs aim to help students develop their English language skills, academic success, and emotional development through language instruction based on content and social and cultural support.
English as a Second Language
ESL is available in elementary, middle, and high school at the student’s zoned campus. If the parent indicates a language other than English is spoken in the home during the enrollment process, the student’s linguistic proficiency will be assessed. The Language Proficiency Assessment Committee will determine if the student qualifies for linguistic services. The development of students’ English language skills is supported by strategies created especially for emerging bilinguals while ensuring academic content is meaningful and accessible.
Dual Language

Lubbock-Cooper ISD implements the Two-Way Dual Language Programs at North Elementary starting in August 2024:
A dual language program is an academic program that is taught in two languages. Lubbock-Cooper ISD’s Dual Language Program will be taught in English and Spanish. It is a two-way program, meaning that approximately half of the students are 1st language Spanish speakers, and approximately half of the students are 1st language English speakers. The program is based on a 90/10 model, in which 90% of instruction is delivered in Spanish and 10% is delivered in English. Each year English instruction increases, while Spanish instruction decreases resulting in a 5th grade class that consists of an even distribution of 50% English language instruction and 50% Spanish language instruction. Dual language programs are designed to develop English/home language fluency ,content knowledge, and academic language in both languages. The goal of a dual language program is for students to become proficient in both languages (bilingual and biliterate). Consistent and intentional program participation in the program is necessary to reach this goal.