We at Lubbock-Cooper ISD value our numerous community partners and supportive district residents. We offer numerous resources for the Lubbock-Cooper community, which you can find within the links to the right.
Lubbock-Cooper Education Foundation
District Promotional Item Approval Procedure
Performing Arts Center Rental
Gold Award
Gold is defined as a most valuable material, an extraordinary standard, or something considered the finest of its kind. The Lubbock-Cooper ISD Gold Award for Employees recognizes the exceptional staff of our district who reach far beyond their call of duty to serve students, parents, fellow employees, and the community. These are individuals who believe in integrity and responsibility, who approach others with kindness and compassion, and who lead by example. Some of these employees have very visible jobs, seen by hundreds of people each day. Some of these employees have "behind the scenes" jobs, never working during school hours. Each of them plays an integral role, and none of them expects thanks or reward - but they deserve it.
Do you have a "gold" employee in mind? Please take a few moments to complete the form found here:
You may choose to remain anonymous when completing the form.
All nominees will be recognized and will receive a certificate and letter. Each month, all of the month's nominees will be entered into a prize drawing. The winner will also be invited to represent all of the employees at that month's Board meeting. At the end of the year, an event will be held to celebrate all of the nominees.
Special thanks to Grand Canyon University for sponsoring the Lubbock-Cooper ISD Gold Award for Employees! For more information about Grand Canyon University, please check the LCISD Human Resources page!