Parent FAQs
What is SAiL?
The Lubbock-Cooper ISD Schoolwide Application of iPads for Learning program, or SAiL, is a 1:1 initiative designed to provide every LCISD student with an iPad for school, and, in many cases, home use. The iPads are intended to engage learners and enhance the learning experience by "meeting students where they are" in terms of technology usage.
Will iPads truly be a learning tool, or just a distraction from class time?
While SAiL is intended to provide 1:1 iPads for educational purposes, several classrooms across the district are already using Apple devices for student learning with much success. While an iPad could potentially be distracting for students, the reality is that our students are being raised in a culture of fast-paced technological growth. They are comfortable navigating tablets for school purposes, and the majority of students already consider connected devices to be a valuable learning tool. Our goal is to use students' hi-tech orientation to the benefit of their education by integrating their familiar technology practices with curriculum. School-issued iPads will have very limited access to distracting applications or programs, and student activity will be monitored at appropriate intervals. Students heavily engaged in learning will not be so easily distracted!
Will the iPad go home with my student?
That depends. Elementary students will be issued iPads for in-school use only, with the potential to "check out" devices on occasion for school projects or other classroom-related activities. Secondary students will be issued an iPad to be used at school and home. This differentiation allows younger students time to learn responsible iPad practices in class while charging older students with the responsibility of maintaining their iPads.
How (and when) will the iPad be issued to my student?
The SAiL support team will provide devices upon the beginning of the instructional year or individual student enrollment. The date of device distribution will be determined by each campus. iPads must be returned before the last day of instruction for the current school year, the last day of the student’s enrollment within the district, or as otherwise designated by campus administration in cooperation with district technology staff.
What are a student's responsibilities regarding the iPad?
Great question! With great technology comes great responsibility. Please review the SAiL Contract for an outline of student responsibilities and expectations. Your child will be asked to sign the SAiL Contract when their device is issued
What is my responsibility as a parent/guardian regarding the iPad?
Please review the SAiL Parent/Guardian Agreement for information regarding parent/guardian responsibilities. We also ask that you look over the student agreement, the SAiL Contract, to give you an understanding of your child's responsibilities regarding their device.
Will content be restricted on the iPads?
Absolutely. The uses and applications of the iPads will be customized for grade level, subject matter, and student groups as needed, and access to distracting material will be as limited as possible. In addition to restricted iPad permission levels, activity will be monitored at appropriate intervals to verify that students are on-task and using the devices in an appropriate, effective manner. If your student brings his/her iPad home, we offer a variety of parent resources (see the SAiL Parent Resources page) which allow you to research and explore iPad restrictions, activity, and more.
Is it okay for my child to use the iPad for purposes outside of schoolwork?
No. The district-issued iPad is intended for educational purposes only. This includes classwork, school projects, homework (secondary students), school-related research, and school-related activities. The iPad should not be used for entertainment or social purposes.
Will my child's iPad be monitored by the school?
Yes. Student iPad use is not private, and will be monitored at appropriate intervals by the district via electronic means and staff supervision. All iPads will be equipped with responsive monitoring and filtering software. It is important to note, however, that Lubbock-Cooper ISD is unable to monitor individual student activity around the clock, and the district will rely on the cooperation of students and parents to ensure responsible, appropriate use at all times
What happens if my child's iPad is lost, stolen, or broken?
An important component of the SAiL initiative is teaching students responsibility for their assigned devices. If your child's iPad is damaged, lost, or stolen, please complete an online Incident Report Form within 24 hours of the occurrence. If an iPad is lost, stolen, or broken due to what is determined to be student negligence or intentional behavior, the student (or parents) will be responsible for the recovery or repair of the device
What if my secondary child leaves his/her iPad at home one day, or forgets to charge it?
These iPads are a learning tool, just like any number of other school supplies. While student discipline will be determined by campus administrators, students who fail to bring their iPads to school or adequately charge their devices should expect the same consequences they receive for failing to turn in homework or bring other necessary supplies to class.
Is my child permitted to "customize" his/her iPad (change the background, use a personal case, etc.)?
Some settings may be varied depending on student needs, but cosmetic changes to the device will not be permitted. This means that your student's iPad will be issued with a Lubbock-Cooper-approved case that should not be changed out, and home screen/lock screen images that should remain standard. While students should have a sense of ownership over their devices, the iPads are for educational use and are not intended to be an extension of the student's decorative style.